What role does a funeral celebrant play?

Role of a funeral celebrant

Organising a funeral service may be a very difficult and daunting task.  You will want to be reassured that you are supported by the best team available, to create a fitting farewell for your loved one.

Until you are faced with the difficult task of organising a funeral, most people do not know what is involved, what a funeral celebrant is or what they actually do.Funeral Ceremonies involving a celebrant very often have a very different feel to religious ceremonies.

Funeral celebrants will work closely with families to create a beautiful ceremony with particular emphasis on personalising the ceremony through the use of words, rituals and music.

There is no set format with endless options to be able to create a very meaningful and special ceremony to honour a love one.

The celebrant can lead the service or play more of an MC role and this will be determined by how much you would like them involved.Funeral celebrants are usually highly experienced, supportive and professional. They are creative and have many ideas so you can avoid the service feeling like every other funeral you have been to.

Very often a Funeral director may suggest a recommended celebrant. However you are not obliged to use the celebrant suggested/offered by the funeral director.It is very important that you find a celebrant that you trust to create the service that you and your family would like to work with.

Role of a funeral celebrant

So regardless of where you chose to conduct the service, you will want someone who you get on easily with and who can help you create a ceremony that truly reflects the personality of your loved one.

If you would like further details on what a funeral celebrant does please do not hesitate to contact me.


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